Friday, March 15, 2013

Unmistakable evidence to prove Vishnukanta Dasa's questionable activities

Hypocrisy destroys faith

Hypocrisy destroys Faith. We may pose as a great person, but the substance of our character determines who we really are. We may fool the world with our external exploits, but God is seeing our motivations from within, and if these motivations are dubious we will ourselves feel emptiness in the heart. -- H.H Radhanath Swami

Here is a list of evidences on which Vishnukanta das will hesitate to write anything about in his blog. This has been made available for reference  for those concerned about Vishnukantha Das or Venugopal Ananthakrishnan (IBM). Look at the preceding article on Questionable activities of Vishnukanta das & Guru Groupism.

Vishnukanta Dasa or Vishnukanta Das (or Venugopal Ananthakrishnan) expertise in word jugglery is reflected in his emails and blog postings. He carefully avoids everything that he is culpable and beats around the bush on unrelated things. If you had seen closely he would have avoided talking on the 8 points below which is the core issue. Only the guilty would like to divert like this.

In his last email by saying " They seem to have all been taken out of context & misinterpreted.". He has definitely agreed to be a party to these events and that they indeed happen. Otherwise he would say all these are false. Obviousy he didn't want to lie blatantly infront of his spiritual master but when it comes to blog postings which no one is aware of how he cooks all his stories he puts his expertise to good use in misleading the audience in his blog postings.

In Questionable activities of Vishnukanta das & Guru Groupism you can see the email conversations sent to all concerned devotees and Vishnukanta Das himself was copied so that he could justify his postion which he did not do for almost an year and finally when he was being proved he just wanted to wriggle out of it with lame excuses saying his actions are being misinterpreted and he doesn't want to discuss any further.

The subject matter of the emails were discussed in person with temple presidents of Bangalore, Chennai. They all agreed to brand building activities going on and have taken up the matter in person with H.G Radheshyam Pr and GBC H.H Jayapataka Swami. 

There is evidence for all the subject mentioned in the emails with respect to.

1. Marriage Issue  On Vishnukanta Das's seeking a good looking (from his marriage profile) and a HH Jayapataka Swami aspiring bride from HG Radha Priya mataji. Please contact her grace she will provide details. To convince her on putting an extra effort he unecessarily accuses all RNS disciples as narrow minded. If anyone needs proof for this you will be provided with audio recording of mataji narrating this incident or you could call her directly and confirm.

2. Brand Building On Brand building exercises the letter talks on enough incidents proving without doubt the universal phenomenon on HH RNS brand within ISKCON Bangalore. 

3. He seeking a good looking bride  not someone on the merits of Krishna consciousness is there is his marriage profile. This proves his hypocrisy throwing lofty ideals he professes to air but wants only a good looking bride.

4. On his dropping out of BBT Sanskrit school and falsly claiming his scholarship ask Matsyaavatar Das.

5. His writing an email saying all spiritual masters have multiple roles to perform so their classes should not be taken literally. If you need the original email he wrote mail me (below).

6. He calling some pioneers in Krishna cosnciousness as fools.

7. In his marriage invitation and his blog postings he is falsely claiming as a siksha disciple of his HH Jayaptaka Swami. Let alone the fact he wasn't accepted on first place he didn't even seek Maharaja for siksha. We know nobody except ritviks become a disciple by claiming as one. And also for wrongly attributing some words to HH regarding taking instruction.

8. His counsellor HG Shankarpandit Pr has written in the emails (see here) to send these emails to anyone concerned about Vishnukanta Dasa or Guru Groupism in Bangalore. Please read the emails you will know.

Just because  someone had some material education one should not become puffed up... should we mention how he was rubbished by Madhva scholars when he wanted to argue about superiority of Gaudiya Vaishnavism. They just tore his arguements to pieces. Humility is the weapon that can conquer the hearts of people in Kali Yuga. That was amply demonstrated by Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu with mayavadis in Varanasi. 

We just requested him to apologise to those whom he offended and for that he has been throwing tantrums in the blog postings against devotees who have done what they needed to do as member of ISKCON Bangalore management council when these issues happened. We appeal to all readers to help us do that by talking to Vishnukanta Das.We don't want to hurt anyone but we don't want to tolerate injustice done by people using the good name of H.H Radhanath Swami.


For any evidences concerneing the topics discussed please feel free to write to truelies AT feel free to copy madhuananth AT

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